Ontario Trap Rock Large


Price Per Ton

1-2 Tons Delivered or Supersack – $139.00
3-9 Tons Delivered – $119.00
1 Ton = .84 Yards (1yd is smaller than a ton)

Bag Prices
$9.49 per Bag
$8.99 for 10+ Bags
.5 cuft Bag (50#)…60 Bags per Pallet

Direct Shipment Prices: NON-Residential
50 Ton Train Direct Ship as Low As $96.39/Ton
28 Ton Semi Direct Ship as Low As $96.39/Ton
Prices Vary Based on Mileage

Category: Tags: ,


aka: Rail Ballast

This Medium/Large Crushed Ontario Trap Rock is most popular for Landscape Stone. It is charcoal Grey with White specks and when wet Black with White specks.

Description: 2″ – 4″ (Rail Ballast)
Weight: 2400 lbs
Coverage @ 2″: 100sqft
Color: Charcoal Grey (Black when wet) with White speckles


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Large, Medium, Small