Contractor Mix


Price Per Pound

Quantity Discount Prices
$64.99 per 25# Bag
$109.99 per 50# Bag

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This premium blend of Grass Seed creates a Deep-Rooted, Drought-Resistant, Low Maintenance turf that performs well in high traffic areas like football, soccer, and baseball fields.  This Blend is sometimes referred to as our “Athletic Mix.”  Grass Seed “Blends” help your lawn develop a stronger turf that is more resistant to insects, fungus and droughts.

Germination: 6-30 Days
Life Span: Indefinitely
Coverage: 175 sqft per Lb

10% Kentucky Bluegrass 85/80
40% Creeping Red Fescue
40% Annual Rye
10% Perennial Rye

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