Certified Playground Mulch


Price per Cubic Yard

Bag Prices
2 Cubic Ft Bags: $3.99 Each…$3.79 for 10+

Direct Shipment Prices (call to order)
135-160 yard Direct Train – As Low As $26.99
65-80 yard Direct Semi – As Low As $28.99


SKU: 4100 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , ,


MAIN’S Playground Mulch is certified by the State of Michigan for use under play-structures at day cares, school playgrounds, and city parks.  This yellow-color mulch has been shredded to provide a “spongy” base for underneath playground structures & wheelchair paths.  MAIN’S Playground Mulch is sourced from Northern Michigan lumber mills, so it is the “cleanest” playground mulch on the market and is guaranteed to not contain any construction debris, leaves, dirt or pallets.

aka Certified Playground Mulch; Safe Scape Mulch; Fibar Mulch



How Much do I need?

Use our quick calculator below or visit Materials Calculator for advance options

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