Stone Bark


Price Per Ton

1-2 Tons Delivered or Supersack – $294.00
3-9 Tons Delivered – $274.00
1 Ton = .84 Yards (1yd is smaller than a ton)

Bag Prices
$8.99 per Bag
$8.49 for 10+ Bags
.5 cuft Bag (50#)…60 Bags per Pallet

Direct Shipment Prices: NON-Residential
50 Ton Train Direct Ship as Low As $224.68/Ton
28 Ton Semi Direct Ship as Low As $232.90/Ton
Prices Vary Based on Mileage

aka: Hadite, Beechwood Pebble

This Decorative Stone is a popular product for beautifying your landscape beds.  "Hadite" is a man-made stone that is very lightweight, so you get more coverage per ton than most comparable stones. Decorative Stones offer a more maintenance-free alternative to mulching annually.

Size: 3/4″ – 1″
Weight per Yard: 1200 lbs
Coverage @ 2″: 250sqft
Color: Tan/Brown/Rust


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